Featured Speakers

Dean, Faculty of Engineering
The University of the West Indies
Prof. Brian Copeland majored in Electrical Engineering. He studied Electrical Engineering and specialized in Control Systems for his Ph.D at the University of Southern Califormia. Professor Copeland and his team at the Faculty of Engineering were awarded the Chaconia Gold in 2007 by the Trinidad and Tobago government for innovative development of the G-pan. The intention was to change the face of the steel pan while vesting ownership of the G-pan in the Government of Trinidad and Tobago on behalf of the people of the nation.

Program Professor
Instructional Technology and Distance Education
Nova Southeastern University
Prof. Michael Simonson is Program Professor, Instructional Technology and Distance Education. He is also editor of the Quarterly Review of Distance Education Distance Learning Magazine and Chief Executive Officer, Technology Research and Evaluation Systems. He has received several awards including, Outstanding Contributions to Research on Distance Learning - 1998 (3rd) & 1995 (1st) U.S. Distance Learning Association.
Education Specialist,
Higher Education & Policy Development
Commonwealth of Learning
Dr. Willie Clarke-Okah joined the Commonwealth of Learning as Education Specialist, Higher Education and Policy Development. He possesses an extensive background in international development and education. His experience spans 32 years in functions dealing with policy and programming that involves developed and developing country institutions of higher learning.